Why would you subscribe to a newsletter called ‘Thanks for Sharing’?

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What is this about?

“Thanks for Sharing” is about me writing about art and work so you don’t have to focus on both of those.

Features of the newsletter:

I talk about art. I talk about the nature of work, and how it affects me as an artist. I also share what I’ve been reading and what I’ve been watching. If you know me IRL, you get updates on how I’m doing.

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Benefits of the newsletter:

  • feel lighter on your feet knowing about what’s happening in the art world and the nature of the job market

  • feel included knowing that, you an artist, is valued for their contributions to the world

  • get more joy in your inbox, sprinkled with some extra dose of critical thinking

Why is it called ‘Thanks for Sharing’?

Thanks for Sharing has been my go-to saying to leave a conversation. Is it mean? Well, maybe. I use it with sincerity with the people I love. It’s like how people use “bless your heart” but depending who receives it, the intention can be warm or it can be plain mediocre.

But it’s also a sincere saying that I blow up with love like it’s a clown balloon.

Who is Alexander?

Go to his website for more information.

Subscribe to Thanks for Sharing

I’m writing about art and work so you don’t have to focus on both of those.


Hello y’all, my name is Alexander. I take pride in being an artist. I want you to as well.