the hanged man was a tarot card drawn for today
so really i don't gotta bounce from a project to a crisis then back to a crisis, again
To practice patience. To sit still.
This morning I drew the Hanged Man tarot card from the deck. For my reading, I gave myself the permission to roll with whatever pauses or distractions come my way.
To be open to opportunities. A pause, whether voluntary or involuntary, will give me the space to take a breath. Instead of rushing from one task to the next task, I can take the moment to inhale then exhale.
I looked through my planner for the month of March. This month marked the anniversary I moved out of my hometown from eons ago. Also in my planner, there are birthdays for loved ones. So I’m reminded to reach out in a text or phone call.
I learnt how to better manage my expectations.
I know what it means to be compassionate with my own mind and my own body.
With cognitive behavioral therapy, I know what it meant to be still and to observe my emotions without always reacting. and if I do react, I need to quickly distract myself from the heat of the emotions.
Pause, pause, pause.
I wrote in an earlier newsletter post about attachment theory. Now, you can read this article about how attachment theory has its holes (and why psychologists were quick to adopt the theory in the United States).
Jamed Baldwin and Chinua Achebe shared a conversation about how art belongs to the people.
There are more assistive technologies now versus years ago, thank you mono audio and LED notifications on my iPhone. The real question is, do we disable people through our technology?
Thanks for Listening,